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We are introducing a new registration system for HRSMC members!

During the HRSMC symposium 2024 we will introduce our new registration form. This is not only for HRSMC members, but also for fellow scientists outside the UvA/VU/LU/RU.

With this registration system, we are fully General Data Protection Regulation (in Dutch: 'AVG') proof and we can inform, invite and give discounts and extra's to our members.

To become a HRSMC member (and receive the membershipID), your group leader needs to be a HRSMC staff member. If you don't know for sure if your group leader is a HRSMC staff member, you can check the name here or under the dropdown list in the registration form. If your group leader is not a HRSMC staff member, you can still sign up and receive our frequent newsletter. This way you will be the first to see our news about events, schools and courses.
Please note that HRSMC staff members (and emeriti) do not need to register; they are automatically registered by the HRSMC Office.

To be clear, even if you already receive our emails now, you still need to register. This because we will no longer be using our old email list. 

So, if you did not register yourself during our 30th symposium, do it here: HRSMC registration form!