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Dr. Tati Fernández-Ibáñez (UvA)
Prof. Tom Grossmann (VU)
Prof. Jan van Maarseveen (UvA, Chairman)
Prof. Romano Orru (Guest appt. VU)
Dr. Eelco Ruijter (VU)
Dr. J.C. Slootweg (UvA)
Dr. F. Mutti (UvA)


Theme 1


During this meeting participants will receive high-level education in contemporary synthetic organic chemistry, including biocatalysis and supramolecular chemistry, and with a focus on biological applications.


The course programme will feature six extended (3 hrs) lectures by internationally renowned specialists in the field as well as two evening lectures.


PhD students, Postdocs and advanced undergraduates


Organized every 4 years.

ECTS for PhD Students

2 ECTS (PhD students do not have to take the exam).