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This course provides an overview of experimental aspects of optical spectroscopy, and the application to a variety of systems, with examples ranging from inorganic/molecular to biological/medical fields.
Event details of Photophysics, Photochemistry and Photobiology
Start date
31 May 2024
End date
14 June 2024

Format of the course:

This is an interactive course: during five afternoons, a combination of lectures and hands-on exercises will be given. Workshops will be devoted to exercises, topical discussion, and data treatment. During the course, participants will also study a scientific paper (in small groups) and give a presentation about it on the final (sixth) day. For this, participants will also have to come up with at least one discussion question for the papers presented by the other groups.

Coordinator: Dr. René Williams (UvA) 
Participants: max. 30
Credit Points: 3 ECTS


Prof. dr. Maurice Aalders (UvA/AMC)
Dr. Tomas Solomek (UvA)
Dr. Francesco Buda (UL) 
Dr. René Williams (UvA) 
Dr. Ivo van Stokkum (VU)
Dr. Charusheela Ramanan (VU)
Dr. Freek Ariese (VU)
Dr. Sven Askes (VU)

The courses will take place at UvA Science Park, VU Amsterdam and CWI Congress Center. See beneath the full programme with room numbers.