Dick Stufkens prize 2024 for most outstanding PhD thesis
23 April 2024
The prize is named after Dick Stufkens, HRSMC scientific director from 1997 to 2001. Stufkens forged new bonds between the participating HRSMC groups and put continuous effort in enhancing the opportunities of the School for its PhD students.
The prize consists of a certificate and 2,000 Euro. These will be awarded during the annual HRSMC symposium where the prize winner is also invited to give a lecture.
Application for the 2024 Dick Stufkens Prize is open for HRSMC PhD students who successfully defended their PhD thesis in the period from July 1, 2023 to July 1, 2024.
In order to be eligible for the Dick Stufkens Prize, the candidate should have
When the qualifications described above have been fulfilled you can apply for the Dick Stufkens Prize 2024 by sending to the HRSMC office.
The PDF documents can be sent to the HRSMC Office (hrsmc-science@uva.nl).
Postal address for the 5 copies of your thesis:
Universiteit van Amsterdam
T.a.v. mw. Christina Santaka
Kamernr: C2.238
Science Park 904
1098 XH Amsterdam
Please inform us when you have sent the theses.
Applications will be judged by the External Advisory Committee of the HRSMC. In case the Committee concludes that none of the submitted entries meets the standards of the Prize, it may decide not to award the Prize.